Include The Hearing House in your will to help us transform lives and give the Gift of Sound to future generations.
At The Hearing House we aim to enable children and adults with hearing loss to live an independent life in a hearing and speaking world. A gift in your will, no matter how large or small, is one of the most valuable ways to help us to transform lives of future generations.
A will is a legal document declaring your wishes about the distribution of your property after you die. It is important to make a will if you have family or dependents who you wish to be beneficiaries of your property after you die. You can change, add to or cancel your will any time before your death as long as you are mentally competent to do so.
Percentage: A proportion or percentage of your Estate
Residuary: The remainder of your Estate, once all other provisions, debts and legacies have been fulfilled
Pecuniary: A gift of a fixed amount of money
Specific Asset: A fixed asset such as shares, real estate, or other particular items of value
If you want part of your will to go to a life-changing cause, please consider The Hearing House.
We would love to thank you personally if you decide to remember us in your will and we strongly encourage you to inform us of your plans. Please let us know if you would like to visit The Hearing House to learn more about our work helping children and adults with hearing loss.
If you would like more information on remembering The Hearing House in your will, please contact us. We can discuss with you how you would like to be acknowledged, and what you would like your gift to be used for.
Please email reception@hearinghouse.co.nz or call us on 09 579 2333.
Doing Good
“I’m not wealthy or anything,” says Ngongotaha’s Mary Staal. Despite her protestations, Mary has been a wonderful donor to The Hearing House for many years and plans to continue that support after she dies.
Mary has decided to leave a bequest to The Hearing House in her will and is open about it as she wants to encourage more people to think about doing the same.
Mary and her late husband Jan – both originally from Holland – were always very involved in voluntary work, she says. “He always said this country has been good to us and we have to give back.”
Jan died 15 years ago and in recent years Mary has become passionate about two charities – The Hearing House and Wingspan, a Rotorua charity dedicated to breeding and caring for native birds of prey. Every week sees Mary volunteering at Wingspan, looking after “my birds” and she has also made a provision for Wingspan in her will.
Mary learned about The Hearing House in an article in the New Zealand Herald and was particularly struck by its work with deaf children because Jan, a bomber pilot in World War II, had a hearing loss as does her son.

“Between a husband and a son with hearing problems – and I, myself, have tinnitus at the moment, I thought that’s a good cause to give to.”
She came up for a visit and would volunteer at The Hearing House if she lived in Auckland because she says she loves the children and the atmosphere.
Jan and Mary travelled extensively while he was alive and she says she could spend her money on a big trip on the QE2 ship “but I don’t want to do that,” she says. “The idea is to give something after me.” She recommends being open about your plans to avoid any problems with family members or others who are surprised at a charitable donation in your will.
“I maintain you should make a bequest while you are still completely with it, to an organisation or trust that you have personal and strong feelings for. And of course tell the family in no uncertain terms that this is what you truly want. Of course it is better to do it properly through your lawyer and not one of these do-it-yourself kits or on the net!”
Mary says she is very relaxed about what she has decided: “I get great peace of mind knowing it is going to a cause that I felt passionately about while I was alive and after.”
If you would like more information on remembering The Hearing House in your will, please contact us. We can discuss with you how you would like to be acknowledged, and what you would like your gift to be used for.
Please email reception@hearinghouse.co.nz or call us on 09 579 2333.